Applying Foreign Exchange Interventions as an Additional Instrument under Inflation Targeting: The Case of Ukraine
a National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

This study examines applying foreign exchange interventions under Inflation Targeting regime in an emerging market economy. For this purpose, we employ the Quarterly Projection Model of the National Bank of Ukraine and simulate different policy responses to various macroeconomic shocks. We discuss monetary policy objectives, which are low inflation volatility and accumulation of international reserves, and conclude that monetary policy could benefit from using interventions in addition to the key policy rate. We advise on particular policy reactions (with or without FX intervention) in case of different macroeconomic shocks.

Publication History
Avaliable online 27 December 2016
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Cite as: Grui, A., Lepushynskyi, V. (2016). Applying Foreign Exchange Interventions as an Additional Instrument under Inflation Targeting: The Case of Ukraine. Visnyk of the National Bank of Ukraine, 238, 39-56.
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